WSIB approved

Emergency First Aid Training

About Heaven Can Wait

Heaven Can Wait teaches First Aid and CPR courses across Ontario.

David Goodman

Paramedic David Goodman founded Heaven Can Wait in 2005. His career as an emergency responder was cut short when he suffered a back injury while trying to save the life of a 20 year old.

David Created First Aid and CPR programs that are easy to follow, user-friendly and will enable you to feel empowered when dealing with medical emergencies.

All of Heaven Can Wait’s instructors are Emergency Services Workers and Healthcare providers.

The WSIB of Ontario and the Federal Government of Canada approve all of our First Aid and CPR programs.

David Goodman

Heaven Can Wait classes

David with Staff

David Goodman with other Heaven Can Wait staff instructors.

Our Partners

  • SQ Dental Services
  • Maggas Medical

Our Students

Judy Kingston

Judy Kingston with daughter

I just had to send this to you to say Thank You for your training. I have attended your CPR courses via Halton Peel Dental Association. Your videos coupled with your stories and instruction really send home the message about how to recognize people who need help. Here is my story. I was having dinner with my daughter, her fiancé and my granddaughter on Sunday night. My daughter cut off a piece of meat, then my granddaughter needed attention so my daughter shoved the meat into her mouth and helped my granddaughter. All of a sudden my daughter started choking, able to cough a little then nothing – could not cough, could not breathe and the look of panic on her face was terrifying! I ran behind her, wrapped my arms around her and started abdominal thrusts. She really started to fight me, she was pulling at my arms but after 3 very violent thrusts she spit out the meat!! Oh my gosh!! I am so thankful for your instruction. I think the videos that you use really hit home how to assess someone in need. My poor daughter’s ribs are still sore but she is alive to be able to tell me about it.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Without your help, I may have lost a daughter.

– Judy Kingston



I just got home from the hospital an hour or so ago.
Had a heart attack while playing tennis on Friday last week. One stent put in.

Please Thank David for a job well done, I was able to recognize the symptoms and call 911...and saved my self a whole lot of trouble.

I won’t attend the work shops....this week or next. I am under a million restrictions ....

Thank you for the wonderful work you do...if u hadn’t provided me the opportunity to do the course, I would not have remembered all the details.



Charles Pine

Hi David:
Hope all is well with you. I just wanted to share with you my experience from last Thursday. I was playing hockey and a guy dropped to the ice. We went over to check on him and he was lieing motionless almost like in a seizure. One guy is an MD on the team and another dentist checked on him and I decided to get the AED right away. Long story short we performed CPR and had to shock his heart once. I remembered your regular teachings from our training and felt the broken ribs as i did the compressions. We saved our friends life and he appears to be making excellent recovery without any side effects!

Thank you for your excellent training!

Charles Pine


Family with Vincent

I wanted to share with you that your training saved our son’s life on March 2nd, this past Saturday. Vincent was choking on a strawberry during lunch at home, and my husband performed the Abdominal Thrusts several times. He threw up the chewed food and we took him to the doctor to have him checked.

I panicked in the situation, and my husband, Eugene remained calm and acted quick. I am so thankful that he was home. I am also very thankful to you and your expertise.

Sonia and her mother.

Sonia and her mother.

My story happened last year, 24 hours after our CPR update session with Heaven Can Wait.

I was drinking my morning coffee while reading through the Heaven Can Wait handbook I received during the update course. It was there I read the different signs a female will have when having a heart attack. At that moment, I realized my mother’s body could be working its way towards a heart attack. She was suffering with severe flu-like symptoms for 6 days that was showing no improvements. I immediately headed to my parents’ house while stopping at the drugstore for aspirin. When I arrived I took her blood pressure to find it was in and around 195/100mmhg!

With the information I was given during our update session, I was able to prevent a heart attack for my mother.

We are forever grateful ❤

– Sonia

David with Staff

Tradesman who learned from Heaven Can Wait.

On July 27th 2018 at 8:20 AM, one of our tradesman on site at The Rocket Condos collapsed and became unresponsive.

The tradesman’s partner had noticed his skin turning blue; he got closer and realized his co-worker wasn’t breathing - he held onto him and slowly laid him down while keeping his head raised. TMG labourers were working nearby, and, witnessing this event, alerted TMG Management of the emergency, asking them for medical information (from the orientation form) and to call 911.

Peter Jaworski and Vito Schillaci took the AED response kit and ran to the scene while 911 was being called. TMG labourers worked together to create a clear path towards the incident. Peter and Vito checked the tradesman for his vitals and found that he wasn’t breathing and that his heart had stopped; they began CPR by taking turns administering chest compressions, while cutting his shirt open and preparing the AED machine.

Three to five minutes later, the paramedics arrived on scene; our TCP and TMG labourers flagged them down and directed them to the unresponsive worker. While the paramedics attempted to resuscitate the tradesman, TMG staff brought them up to date with the necessary specifics of the incident. Before being sent to the hospital, paramedics were able to successfully revive the worker.

Later that day, the hospital determined that the worker experienced a rare form of a seizure, and has since been released from the hospital and is now in full recovery.

Tutu, Yung and Dom

On May 19, 2016, just 8 days after taking a CPR and AED course from Heaven Can Wait, Tutu (far-left), Yung (second-from-left) and Dom (far-right) saved their colleague Carlos (second-from-right) while at work. Carlos collapsed and stopped breathing. The three started CPR and applied an AED and saved his life. These three heroes received a Citizen’s Award on April 6, 2017. Watch the video of their story.

Dr. Brian Budovitch

Dr. Brian Budovitch (dentist) witnessed a man collapse in the parking lot at a golf course. Brian recognized the man was not breathing. He immediately started CPR and used the golf courses AED to save him. Dr. Budovitch received a Citizen's Award for saving this man's life on April 6, 2017.

Sumi-e Amadriertih

Less than 12 hours after being certified in CPR and AED with HCW, Sumi-e Amadriertih saved a man's life who collapsed at her workplace. She started CPR and used an AED to save him.