WSIB approved

Emergency First Aid Training

Supporting Canadians: 15% off all courses

10,000+ Reviews ★★★★★
Highest Rated First Aid & CPR company

Consumer Choice Award Toronto Central 2023Consumer Choice Award Toronto Central 2024

Consumer Choice Award
Top Rated First Aid company 2023 & 2024

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  • David and his paramedic instructors delivered a phenomenal course consistently to thousands of participants with outstanding feedback being provided. It was an absolute pleasure to partner with David and his company and it is with the highest regard that I recommend them for your service needs.

    — Jordan Kachur
    Captain/Lead Paramedic, York Region Paramedic Services

  • Your company’s commitment to quality assurance is impressive, comforting and greatly appreciated by Del and our valued clients who avail themselves of your services.

    — Saul York
    President, Del Property Management Inc.

  • Hi David. Just wanted to let you know that I actually had to use the Heimlich maneuver yesterday on my 15 month old son and it worked (thank god)! He was full on choking on a cheeto, and I'm grateful I was able to apply what you have been hammering into my head thee past three years. My son and I both thank you!

    — Dr. Marijana Eic
    Toronto, ON

  • I just wanted to say how valuable your training program is.

    As I returned to the office today after completing your training program at the BILD offices, coincidentally a female at our office was visibly unwell, shaky, not making clear communication and feeling faint. Fortunately the paramedics had already been called however I immediately made her feel comfortable in a seated position, and continued to calm her down until the paramedics arrived. I asked about her medical history and I had then learned that she recently discovered that she suffers from low blood pressure and had a similar experience a few months prior at home. She has since been cleared by the paramedics and she will be fine.

    I have to admit the stories that you told us about the first aid training and its immediate application I thought were very unlikely, however it just goes to show the value of this program and its application!

    I would have never felt prepared and confident in my ability to take charge of a medical emergency of any scale if it was not for your comprehensive program.

    Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

    — Courtney Nicholson, OAAAS, B. ARCH. SCI.
    Project Coordinator, Cassidy and Company Architectural Technologists

  • We were so taken by David as a skilled trainer that we will use him for all our future first aid training, and highly recommend him to any company or group.

    — Mike Graham
    Director of Operations, Select Food Services Inc.

  • As the executive director of The Mikey Network, I always try to work with people and companies that deliver on what they promise.

    Over the last 4 years, I have had the pleasure of using the services of Heaven Can Wait Emergency First Aid, and dealing with the President of the company, David Goodman.

    David is very personal and has always fulfilled my requirements in a professional and timely manner.

    His paramedic staff are very well trained and offer several courses on emergency and standard first aid as well as CPR/AED.

    I highly recommend Heaven Can Wait as their services are well above the standard.

    — Morty Henkle
    Executive Director, The Mikey Network

  • David is passionate about saving lives and made every endeavour to teach us the importance of understanding and performing CPR and First Aid. Staff who attended the presentation were pleased that they were provided with essential and relevant up-to-date information and the opportunity to even practice on mannequins, hands on. At the end of the presentation, staff felt more informed and empowered to deal with emergency situations.

    — Lillian Jovanovic
    Principal, Lawrence Park C.I., TDSB

  • Don’t waste your time in a CPR/AED course that meets your license requirements but doesn’t make a difference in your understanding. Heaven WILL wait for your patients if you certify with Heaven Can Wait.

    — Carilynne Yarascavitch
    Head of the Discipline of Dental Anaesthesia, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto

  • The instructors have always been very prepared, charismatic and knowledgeable in their approach to teaching. In fact, we had our own first aid emergency during a training session and our paramedic instructor (David Goodman) was able to treat and stabilize our staff member while waiting for EMS. We were lucky to have a paramedic right on scene and to see Heaven Can Wait’s teachings put in to actual practice.

    — Jennifer Davison
    Supervisor, The Creative Preschool